Instagram has introduced likes on story posts, giving users another way to express positive sentiments towards others’ content.
Instagram just introduce a new way for users to engage with stories by showing appreciation with a simple like, rather than sending a direct message.
In an official announcement from Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, it’s said this feature is being rolled out in an effort to clean up users’ DM inboxes.
Previously, to engage with an Instagram story, you either had to re-share it or reply to it with a comment.
Those options all cluttered up users’ DM inboxes with notifications.
Now you can engage with a story by tapping a like button, just as you would with a regular feed post, which doesn’t send a DM notification to the other user.
While the button looks the same, there are some major differences between likes on stories and likes on feed posts.
In our next post, we will make you understand How Instagram Story Likes Work.